Tuesday, February 8, 2011

If I could relive last night....well that'd be just fine.

So, I am going to fully disclose the entire night because it’s far too epic to not tell you all. I skipped all my classes today, as did Sarah. We sat in her room playing Dark Zero until 3:30 when we left for Sioux City.
We got there at like 4 something and all these people were freezing their asses off waiting for an hour and a half. Sarah and I, not that ambitious, given we were only wearing hoodies. So we went to iHop. And I didn’t really eat, because I was too excited.
And then we got to Tyson. And oh my god, I thought I’d explode. We froze our asses off, and I thought we’d die when we finally got inside. Sarah and I raced for front row. We ended up in like the 4th row towards the right, but mostly in the middle. We ended up next to these drunk ass fools, Zack, Casey, Alex and someone else. And seriously, a highlight of the night. You have no idea, they were hitting on us, and asking all sorts of random questions. And telling us how they got Cowboy drunk because apparently a7x stayed in their town last night. And oh my god, I thought I’d die of laughter. And then our friend Gary joined us. And New Medicine started, and even though I had no idea what was going on, it was amazing. The vibe in the pit, those guys, all of it. Amazing. And then Hollywood Undead came on and all these teen girls were like..oh my god. Seriously, I was being pulled and pushed in ways my body was not designed to go. I have never been in a more aggressive fucking pit in my life. Everyone was out for their own sake, and I dunno. [And the fact I don’t really like Hollywood Undead…right]. So, it was legit and we were surviving and then this bitch behind me kept trying to reach in my pockets for my phone and keys and so I ended up moving to readjust it all and go back in. Well, fuck me, no one wanted me back in. So I waited it out. And then during Stone Sour, I was like ‘Ok, someone will let me in. Stone Sour fans have to be more legit…’…no that’s when a fight broke out and I got lightly tapped in the face and then security was on our asses, dragging us ALL out, myself included.
I was livid. Like, if I knew how to punch I would have punched people. I was RIGHT next to where Syn would be…yeah.
So then Sarah found me for a7x and we waited ages for them because apparently Cowboy missed the bus. So no dead hanging guy. It was sad. Anyways, Sarah and I got halfway up in the pit again and, I mean it bothered me…but it didn’t. So I couldn’t see them super clearly but none of it mattered.
There was this point that Syn looked into the stands where all the people who couldn’t brave the pit were, and he stared at them because they weren’t moving. And in my head all I could think of was to giggle, and then he waved this extremely goofy wave at them and did this little dance.
And then he fist pumped at them and they continued to sit there like retards and he looked into the crowd and [even though it’s VERY unlikely…I’m still gonna put it] he looked in my direction and he had this ADORABLE smile on his face and then Johnny tried to entice the stands.
It was epic….
[Oh, and there was this part that Zacky and Syn were playing together and Johnny walked by and he obviously did/said something funny because the two grinned and gave each other a look.]

The feelings, oh my god. When they first played the notes to Nightmare, when they first appeared on stage, all of it. I was torn between uncontrollable screaming, crying, forgetting to breathe, wanting to storm the stage to express my undying gratitude. It was…it was something I had forgotten about concerts and…it was everything I’ve ever needed. We didn’t get any stories of Jimmy, but the vibe in the crowd. It was all about being there for each other and our love for them. And, oh my god words can not describe every emotion that I went through tonight.
And when they came out for Fiction, I thought I was going to lose it. But those feelings of dread and hate and anger and pain and worry that have been building up since Tracy seemed to vanish.
I sound cheesy. But, words can not describe how much fun I had tonight. Even though I wasn’t front row, even though I didn’t catch anything, even though I didn’t meet them.
I don’t foresee how any other night, any other concert, will ever top tonight.
And now I'm back in the real world, suffering post-concert depression.

We found Gary.

The first band. They were actually legit. Hollywood Undead and Stone Sour, not so much.

To show how close we fucking were.
The mosh pit for New Medicine. I was legitally like 3 rows back.

Mosh pit for Stone Sour

Words can not describe what it was like to see him in the same room

My fucking favorite picture of the night.

Johnny is so little! AH it's cute

Matt. [You have to remember these are with my phone]

I wanted to bawl when this came down.

Another favorite.

Zacky is creeping...

This is Gary's. of Zacky and Syn.


All done. LONG post.

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