Thursday, March 17, 2011

Fun fun fun.

So last night was amazing. A friend and I had an amazing dinner date, and it was just something I've needed. And I've come to realize that a lot of people I thought were close amazing friends really aren't. That's beside the point, I just wanted you all to know the dinner date was amazing and really brightened my entire mood.
And then I woke up this morning and felt sick to my stomach and my body hurt and my head hurt and I laid in bed...all day. Yep.
So today's photo sucks. I'm sorry. BUT I'm really excited because remember those prints I made Tuesday and was super stoked about? MY PROFESSOR LOVED THEM! Like, legitally loved them and it made me feel so good. :)

Anyways, today's photo. Please ignore the dirty laundry.

So drunk people are loud. But it's too hot to shut my window. Le sigh.

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