Saturday, March 19, 2011

Jared Evan.

I'm so far behind, this post is for Saturday and Friday. Sunday will hopefully be later today. This weekend got crazy. But, RECAP!
Friday, Jamie and her boyfriend got into town and so initially I only meant to go eat with them but then they had an extra ticket so it turned into my going to OneRepublic with them too. Which, I don't like OneRepublic but it was amazing watching them have a blast. And the show was beautiful so I have a shit ton of pictures. But this concert is the reason for the title. The first act was this rapper by the name of Jared Evan. He was terrible, and it's become our term for everything bad in life.
And then Saturday, I had the proficiency exam, which is basically a college ACT. And it Jared Evan'd my ass. It was horrible, so I bought a bunch of chocolate and took a nap. And then I meant to only meet Jamie, Ashley, Nikki and them for dinner but it turned into playing games.
In all, it was an amazing weekend and I'm so glad I got to enjoy it. Even the test part was okay because all the other stuff made up for it. So here is a photo spam and pictures 59 and 60. :D

This is what my tuition money went too. And on the floor, it's all seating. GREAT concert building, eh? [But it's purdy]

Nikki. One of my future roommates. :)

This is Jared Evan.

59/365 It's from Jared Evan, but it was the only decent part. The instrumental at the end.

The Daylights

The drummer's smile. haha

This was the "mosh-pit."

This horrible photo is for the guy in the hoodie in the center, with his arm up. He was trying to get a real mosh-pit going and he had me in a giggle fit.


60/365 I felt like since this entire post was music related, 60 for Saturday should be too. What better than a demon Bieber? :D

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