Monday, September 26, 2011

Put your hands up to the sound.

Wow, I meant to update last Thursday and time just escaped from me. It's crazy how busy I've become. Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday I'm in class from 9:30am[Except monday it's noon.] until 5 and then I head over to Belbas and work from 5:30-8:30. Then I get to come home, eat, homework and then it's bed. Like I honestly barely even see the internet those days. And on Wednesday, that's my catch up day. And I usually go home every Thursday after work. It's just crazy, but a good crazy. I like being busy and having things to get done. Plus, I love this job. It's tedious, calling high school seniors for three hours, but it's really laid back and entertaining. I get to talk to some interesting characters, and funny things happen sometimes on the call. It's crazy and fun, and the people I work for/with are AMAZING!

School is hetic, XDIS is time consuming. We read a bunch of articles [speaking of, I'm not reading one tonight to do this] and it's a really boring class. Spanish is fairly simple, mostly because I've taken it before, you know. Well, I've taken it in high school and it's like a refresher. Photo and Drawing are the most time consuming, but it's nice to know that minor is almost done. I'm almost about to go somewhere, hahaha.

Next week, except some photos from Haylee's basketball game. I'm so excited for her! She finally got to join something, got to get involved. She loves it and the 30th is her first game. I'm so excited! :D And this weekend is also when we're celebrating Courtnee's birthday, which is Wednesday but I have class and so obviously I can not make it for her actual birthday. (:/) Anyways, the 13th to present!


My walk to work
Where I work
Me at work

245/365 What I drew for my photo class
246/365 Graffiti in the FA bathroom

I went to check the damage to Larson's Landing



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