Friday, September 9, 2011

Sink now to the ocean floor.

So now we are up to when I moved into my new apartment. I'm still living in McFadden, but I have different roommates and a different room. It's a new experience, getting used to new people and different habits. It makes it easier that three of us are friends and are all very similar. And it helps that our apartment is decorated super cutely. haha. School is busy, two studios, XDIS and Spanish. But after these two studios and a digital photo class my Photo Minor will be complete, so that's super exciting! :D This past two weeks being in Verm haven't been super eventful. Hopefully the photos start getting more exciting, and better. hahaha but here's the 30th to today.

225/365 Photo class
Bed area

My desk
Living room

Dining Room

Magnets on our fridge that I made :)
233/365 Drawing class- what we were drawing....
My awful drawing....
I guess it won't be caught up until the 9th because my email is being lame. Hahaha the 9th will be on the next time I update!

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