Sunday, October 2, 2011

All stuffed up.

Well, it was an enjoyable weekend. Went home Thursday after work, went to Haylee's game on Friday, went to Sioux Falls on Saturday, and had Courtnee's birthday party today. Haylee's game was quite humorous. The poor girl is terrified of the ball, stands behind people playing the game, let's herself be blocked; BUT she's a hell of a blocker herself. Oh well, she enjoys it so it doesn't matter. Sioux Falls was fun, my momma bought me a few things and we ate at Carninos. YUM TO THE MAX! And Courtnee's party was a blast. Elyse, Tracy's youngest daughter, came. She has gotten so big in the past year, it's amazing. Still as precious as ever, and cute as hell. Courtnee had fun and they all went swimming, where Desi almost drowned. But she's okay, maybe a little terrified of water, but okay. So, enough about my life and on to photos.
Haylee just letting herself be blocked


256/365 Choice one

256/365 Choice two

Elyse eating her cupcake

256/365 Choice three

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