Friday, October 21, 2011

Crap nuggets

I completely spaced on updating! I'm so sorry! DDays was a crazy week with Nikki's birthday and DDays itself. And the week after that was drama-filled, homework filled, and just insane. And then this past week was midterms and I was running around like a chicken with it's head cut off. So we'll start with DDays week until the 12th, and the next post will be the 13th through the 21st. Sound good?

DDays was overly enjoyable. Nikki turned 21 on the Wednesday and starting Friday we were completely smashed the entire weekend until Tuesday morning. Coyotes totally won, as well! Go Yotes! So picture time?

257/365 Honestly, I work and go to class all day so sue me for taking a lot of photos on my way to work

When you go through this and the above photo fast, you'll spend 20 minutes laughing

Nikki is 21!!!!
260/365 This was my last sober day
261/365 HA-PPY DDDAYS!

I call this "Drunken Running/Drunken Photography"

This guy ran from the cops...until the cop caught up to him

262/365 Touchdown!

We celebrated, and right after this photo....someone spilled these


264/365 Drunken clean-up

265/365 100 days left!
Now we go to the 13th to the 21st. :D

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