Monday, January 2, 2012

Mama, I'm in love with a criminal.

Yes, I love me some Britney Spears, don't be hatin'. So! It's officially 2012! We only have 17 more days of this, are you getting excited for the end? And my next project, which I hope doesn't loose as much steam as this did. Now, if you didn't know, every new years I make a list of things I've learned in the past year. And I've decided to share my findings with you.

10. Losing someone close to you doesn’t give you some grand epiphany, doesn’t make you happy to be alive or anything you see in the movies. You know, in the happy ending where everything falls into place and life makes sense again. Life doesn’t make sense again, you just numb yourself into living on.
9. We all have a purpose in this world, and we’re only here for a short time and we need to do everything to make a difference.
8. True friends will come to you in the middle of the night because you’re upset. Shitty friends will tell you you’re a freak, grow up, stop being sad, get over it, go back to normal. Shitty friends are not worth any time.
7. Being a stripper would be so much easier than what I’m doing right now.
6. I have no idea what I want to be, and that’s okay. Because I shouldn’t rush or decide on something to just do it. I need to find something I love so I turn out happy someday.
5. I want a family. Super bad.
4. The people who were dicks in high school, eventually they grow up and you can either become their friends, which in some cases is excellent. Or you can be the bitch right back to them and let them know how much they ruined your life in high school. I vote for the first.
3. Being the bigger person is rewarding….eventually.
2. Money really CAN buy happiness.
1. Family is the best medicine for anything.
So! Are we ready for 10 days worth of photos? hahaha
Christmas Games!

My outfit for Christmas

340/365 Choice One

340/365 Choice two: my adjectives during apples-to-apples

341/365 My hair the day after Christmas

It was a pretty bottle
346/365 New Years Eve!
Surprise NYE date!
Some dude totally just gave me money to buy alcohol
347/365 After


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