Sunday, January 8, 2012

So close.

Ah! We're getting close! We're 11 days from me finishing, 11 days away from finding out what 2012's project[s] will be. Are you getting as excited as I am? I feel so productive this year, so hopefully these next projects [yes! There will be two!] don't dwindle like this one did. Which, was a bummer. I started out so into it, but then it just faded to being a chore. Anyways, more talk on them once my birthday comes around. ELEVEN DAYS!
As for 2012, I don't make resolutions because no one ever sticks to them and I hate failure. So I make bucket lists, things I hope to accomplish. So far I have 13, but I'm sure more will come.

  1. Go to a concert
  2. See a musician I haven't seen live yet
  3. Take better photos/stay involved in photo projects
  4. Declare a major
  5. Travel somewhere new
  6. Write a novel to publish someday
  7. Be happy
  8. Meet someone who changes my life
  9. Work out more
  10. Buy something from Tiffany's
  11. Read 50 books [well on my way. Finished three so far]
  12. Meet someone famous.....again
  13. See a Broadway play
So, hahaha, we'll see how all of that works out. :) Photo time?

I love walking the bridge, so pretty.



  1. Great photos this week! I love them! Still haven't been on the bridge yet, I really want to take a walk on it though. Next time I'm home we'll have to plan a Walk-The-Bridge date. Yes? Yes.

  2. Yes! Always up for a Walk-The-Bridge date. :)
