Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Be what tomorrow needs.

Courtnee from 2008.

Desirae from 2008.
I've noticed, from looking back, that my favorite pictures tend to be one featuring children. I've said it before, but it's just this innocence about them. These two are possibly my favorite to photograph anymore. Haylee has reached this age of independence and a mind of her own, and often gets testy with me when we do a photoshoot for too long, but these two. These two are so willing and easy to agree with. Courtnee is starting to get her own ideas, but she's a lot more workable than Haylee.
I've never really thought myself of a good photographer. It's what I want to do, yes, but I feel like I'm not worthy of people liking my work, but when my sister likes, I feel all powerful and amazing. I love it when she'll ask me to do her family photos and all of that, because I feel like she knows she could go elsewhere and get probably better prints, but she picks me. And she whores me out to her friends, who pay me. So it's a win-win, haha.

And now I'm craving a photoshoot with my nieces and I can't because of finals. I actually had to shut down my facebook and tumblr so I would be productive, and it worked. I wrote my 1000 word essay on Frank Lloyd Wright and design for Art History of Design, and I studied for Math. Of which, I'M GOING TO PASS MATH! You have no idea how this excites me, I'm such a typical right brained person, I suck at logical studies, but do excellent in those more geared to right brained people. But now that I post this, I must start sketching up how I want to brand myself and study some more for French and Math. My Art History final is take-home. :D

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