Friday, May 6, 2011


So, the semester is over, summer has begun. As of 2 hours ago I was officially no longer a resident of McFadden 306 and no longer roommates with Sonya, Melanie, or Amy. I have turned in my Art History final and I am currently sitting in my big queen size bed in my comfty, but extremely dirty bedroom. I need to be up in 5 hours to make my way to Madison for Denise's grad and life is good.
Though, I have to say, for the first time in my life I was ACTUALLY sad to be moving away from somewhere. I've moved a lot in my life and never let myself get attached (though when I leave home home...I will probably cry as I've lived here the longest). But Amy left Tuesday, and it was sad and I'll miss her insanely, but Melanie and Sonya were there. And then Melanie left, and it was sadder as it meant the end was coming. And then I had to leave Sonya and the apartment and give back my key and I kind of realized I was saying goodbye the the best roommates I've had so far. :( Thus, this entire post is dedicated to my AMAZING adventures these past days and my 'home.' :D

107/365 I had slowly begun packing at this point, while distracting myself from my Art History final.
We're missing one, but roomie photo! :D
108/365 My bedroom over the course of packing. Left is nothing packed, middle is slightly, and right is empty. :(
Same as above, but for the bathroom.
The living room/dining room/kitchen

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