Friday, January 20, 2012

Who's that rider? John the Revelator

Seriously, youtube this song and find the version by Curtis Stigers & The Forest Rangers. It's beautiful! Ugh, the music on Sons of Anarchy is seriously beautiful, and the way they put the songs in with these scenes. If you're not a fan of the show yet, please netflix it or something and watch! Try it! Because it's an amazing show with an amazing cast of characters. I'm not one to push TV shows on people, but I urge everyone to at least check it out. Can't get enough of it.
So today was a lazy day of doing nothing before the long boring weekend of homework I have ahead of me. My mom works, Haylee is sick, so it's me, netflix, the three movies I rented, and a pile of homework. Oh, and don't forget laundry. Poop, having responsibilities is boring. hahaha.
Also, who is excited for tomorrow? I'm putting together the list for the other photo project tonight and tomorrow and the first one will be up. It'll most likely be an old photo, unless I happen to take one fitting [given I won't be going anywhere], but the project is going to be exciting. I can feel it. I've been getting excited about this since the 8th! So, check back tomorrow! :)

Today's photo!

2/365 I've always felt like books describe me because ever since I could read I've spent a majority of my time curled up with one. These days I don't get to read too many books during school for my own enjoyment, and so I felt the heart should be a bit covered up by the them. It's not a photo of me, but I wanted it to be known that not every day will feature me or even a part of me. Today I felt like books described me. Self-portraits don't always contain a person, but more so of what the artist feels bests interrupts the idea of themselves. :) 
Also, I should mention with this self-portrait project, I might offer up an explanation, and sometimes I might leave it open for discussion. I hope this one stays as exciting as I'm finding it so far and doesn't die like last years. 
I'm always open for comments, leave me some if you have any. :) ALSO, let me know what you think of the song and SOA. :)

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