Monday, February 6, 2012

A year ago today.

A year ago today I was excited, I was energized, I was pumped. And even though yesterday[the 6th] wasn't the best day, just thinking of this makes me incredibly happy. I got to see a band I love and who had helped me through such a rough patch in my life, and that's always uplifting. Plus the show was OUTSTANDING! There are moments when I blast certain songs, I can still picture the exact energy going through me when I saw them live. I love that feeling, I love concerts. I wish I could be back in that moment right now.
I don't use this space to rant very often, but I do need to get this out, even though I only know of one person who even reads any of this....anyways. I'm tired of people making me feel less than I am. I don't pretend to be the best person out there, I have flaws and I'm far from perfect, but all the same it's really tiring. I'm tired of a lot of things exactly, but mostly that. I've never felt comfortable with any work I produce, whether it's writing or photo or drawing or painting, I will always find something to intensely hate about it. What really sucks is when people pick that flaw to attack the most, and you're left reeling trying to figure out what makes you the worst. People should treat people better than they do. You don't have to like their work, you don't have to like their choices, lifestyle, personality, or anything about them, but you DON'T make less of people because of it. Every person is going through something, and it's crazy how one comment can really send a person reeling. It's immature and I'm tired of seeing it and dealing with it.

How does this pertain to my blog exactly? Because, like I stated earlier, today has just been a bad day and there is such a huge part of me that wants to give up on these projects right now and it's really hard to keep motivating myself right now. So this pertains to this blog because, for right now, I'm going on hiatus. I'm not sure if I'm quitting the projects or not, I just need to step back and really evaluate what I am hoping to get out of all of this and if I'm seeing any progress in those things. These projects are about me, and to be quite honest I thought I'd be getting more out of them than I am. And then, maybe right now because of the stress and this crap, maybe I'm looking over what I AM gaining. So, I'm going to clear my head and just evaluate this and hopefully come back.

I will post the past couple of days of photos before I go though:

18/365: Super Bowl Sunday
19/365:option one Please note that Johnny the Gnome is laughing and pointing at me
19/365 option two

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