Wednesday, January 26, 2011

This isn't a photo post. It's a realization post.

I don't care if anyone else ever likes my stuff. I don't care if I'm not as good as someone else you compare me too. I don't care if I never make it. I don't care if I'm a hobo in a box on the side of a street;

If I'm taking photos, I'm always going to be happy. I've quit before and gave it up because I let my own stupid thinking get in the way. And it hurt, it was a physical pain I can't even describe. So I'm not quitting again.

I'm going to keep doing it until I die. And if I never make it, well that day will come sooner than if I do. Regardless, I'm doing this and no one's judgments or hate is ever going to make me rethink it again. I'm not going to regret this, because I want ...I need this.
I want it so badly sometimes, it hurts how badly I want it.

I'm going to kick ass, and if no one else thinks so, I will die knowing I thought I kicked ass. That I accomplished something most people never do, happiness.

1 comment:

  1. You ARE going to kick ass! You DO kick ass! Someone will always hate what you're doing, and someone will always love it - even if that's just you. Even then, the fact that YOU love it is enough. <3
    (but I can tell you it's NOT just you, because I am a lover. hehe)
